• Lol nobody cares. I won’t tip. I don’t care to know how an employer pays wages. Let me just eat. I’m also a slave, don’t look at me for salvation.

    Don’t work there if wages aren’t paid fairly.

    • Baby Shoggoth [she/her]
      17 months ago

      So don’t work at your job either if you’re also a wage slave? Maybe take your own advice?

      • Antik 👾
        27 months ago

        He means it’s not up to him to make sure the person serving him makes a decent wage. That’s up to the employer.

        Everyone who works for a company is a ‘slave’ we are all being exploited, some more than others. But if you make less than minimum wage without tips then yes maybe look for another job.

      • Im may be a slave but my compensation is just fiiiine. So no? Why would i leave a fine paying job. I acknowledge that I’m a slave but what’s the alternative? I can’t live by eating my principles I can’t spend my priciples, so to hell with that. Im a willing slave. But I chose wisely.