• porcariasagrada@slrpnk.net
    10 months ago

    are we suppose to take the label “terrorist” serious when it comes to the israelis? just because israel labels someone a terrorist it doesn’t make it true.

    but i know your thought process. it is based on the false premisse that israel is not a terrorist state.

    if israel arrests you on the charges of terrorism it doesn’t make you a terrorist. it makes you an enemy to a “terrorist state”. you can use terror and be a terrorist when fighting israel, but just because you get arrested by idf, it doesn’t automatically makes you a terrorist, imho.

        • keropoktasen@lemmy.world
          10 months ago

          Okay, so how can you relate that definition with what both sides are doing? I mean from a non-bias perspective.

          • goetzit@lemmy.world
            10 months ago

            Some guy gets his house burned down. Its terrible, so they find him a new home: its a room in your house. New roommate is intent on getting you to move out so he can take the whole house. He makes it clear that the two of you can never be equals, and that god wants him to have the house. It starts with petty psychological shit but its clear he’s trying to start a confrontation. You retaliate, he retaliates, it becomes a mess of you guys slinging shit. At the end of the day, you were minding your own business, who can blame you for defending yourself. You’ve both done awful shit but you were doing your own thing until this guy came along and declared himself owner of your house.

            Thats how I look at isreal/palestine. Hamas is awful. But when you oppress millions of people you can’t be that surprised when some of them become ruthless maniacs hellbent on getting out from under your rule. Just put yourself in Palestinian’s shoes and ask yourself if you’d be alright with it.

            Al Queda was terrible too, but we brought it upon ourselves invading the middle east. You can’t crush people under an iron fist and expect them to be cool with it.

            • keropoktasen@lemmy.world
              10 months ago

              I think you got your history messed up. The roommate has always been there and the landlord at that time intended for both of you to live side by side, but you refused, and brought your neighbours to attack your roommate but your roomate emerged victorious. Your neighbour then took part of your room before your roommate took them back. Some times later, your roommate gave it back to you, but you keep threatening to eliminate your roommate. So your roommate had no choice but to prevent you from killing them.

              If you see history as it is, you’ll get a new perspective on how events unfold. Undeniably hamas is a terrorists organization who hides behind innocent civilians, and israel is exaggerated in their response, but I can see from their point of view because I see history as it is. This is a war between israel and hamas, and like any other war, unfortunately there are casualties among the civilians (which is very difficult to prevent as long as hamas hides behind them).

              • goetzit@lemmy.world
                10 months ago

                Sure, all religious groups in the area have had ties and claims to Jerusalem for Millenia, but the actual nation of Israel was founded in 1948.

                If you found a nation on a contested holy site and try to push all the other religious groups out, you will have a huge amount of radical and violent resistance, i’m not really going to support you either.

                If the situation was reversed, and the middle east was dominated by jews instead or muslims, and Israel was instead a (somewhat) recently-founded muslim nation surrounded by jewish ones, I wouldn’t feel too bad for the muslim nation that decided to set up shop there and make it your holy capital or something.

                Its awful, and the whole religious side of things makes this a never-ending war with no real “moral victor”, but its just hard for me to pretend I don’t see the ridiculousness in all of this. A radical militant group kills/kidnaps 2000 isrealis and the response is to kill 15,000+ palestinians with not just tacit approval but full-blown military support from the largest world powers. We are not even talking about “an eye for an eye making the whole world blind”, we’re talking about trading an eye for a whole human body.

                Should Israel have responded? Absolutely. I’m not going to say it should have even been a peaceful response. But what’s happening now is a clear over-correction, a clear attempt to both weaken the Palestinian state as a whole and the Palestinian people themselves. It will breed more violence, and you will inadvertently create groups more radical than hamas, who will point to this and say “they did not go far enough”. The Palestinian people need to reject hamas on their own, and this isn’t going to cause that.

                • keropoktasen@lemmy.world
                  10 months ago

                  And palestine was never a nation before 1988.

                  How do you kill cancer cells? By ruining your own body with strong drugs. You got weakened immune system and become sterilized (cannot produce offsprings). That’s how dangerous hamas and it’s ideology is to israel’s existence.

                  • goetzit@lemmy.world
                    10 months ago

                    Do you maybe think that your shitty analogy to cancer is not the best way to decide what to do with people? Are you saying we should sterilize Palestinians? What the fuck, why do I even bother…

          • porcariasagrada@slrpnk.net
            10 months ago

            clearly, we should boycott, ~~de-invest ~~ Divestment and sanction israel. just like we do with hamas and the pa.

              • porcariasagrada@slrpnk.net
                10 months ago

                everyday, in fact international security agencies should do more to help. in fact greater israel should be a international nation new home of the united nations. the us should invade to establish a cease fire until this is established. it is the only way to stop the blood shed. from both sides. after all israeli settlers can’t be left without protection until the law is the same for all greater israel citizens.

                  • porcariasagrada@slrpnk.net
                    10 months ago

                    that is why i said invaded by the united states and not the un. i think us can guarantee israeli safety. but immediate sacrifices must be made, like having to move house for a while, until the peace process is finished. it could work. it would solve a lot of problems. but i know this is pure unfiltered hopism.

                    edit: we’ll do like this. the us takes control of israel, the un control of gaza and the west bank. settlers would be under united states protection until the peace process is finished.