Health experts say axing plan to block sales of tobacco products to next generation will cost thousands of lives

    317 months ago

    Smoking is awful, disgusting, and through the diseases it causes puts a massive burden on the healthcare system… buuuut, educational campaigns to encourage people to stop and limiting it in media/banning advertisements is definitely the way to go over yet another prohibition law.

      117 months ago

      I think governments should always ban everything they don’t like. Next up: alcohol, candy and snacks. Then maybe bars, motor sports and sex for unmarried people.

        47 months ago

        Most drugs are prohibited in most countries, throughout most of history.

        You’re thinking specifically of American alcohol prohibition in the 1920s. It is you who is projecting americanism.

    • livus
      7 months ago


      educational campaigns to encourage people to stop and limiting it in media/banning advertisements is definitely the way to go

      I don’t really understand why you think New Zealand hasn’t already done that. It banned all tobacco advertising decades ago. Including shops have to keep them out of sight and no signs.

      Starting from the 1990s tobacco had to have gruesome pictures of diseased lungs, rotting diabetic toes, etc all over it, and health warnings.

      Then they banned companies from using their own fonts, colours or logos and standardised it. Then they made the warnings take up all the pack.

      Modern tobacco packs in New Zealand look like this and costs two hours’ wages for just one packet.

      There are gruesome PSAs about it as well.

      Unfortunately it’s highly addictive and it kills people.