• @XTornado@lemmy.ml
      7 months ago

      As somebody who flights today a 2h flight…

      checks map again

      13h hours car drive (without stops so probably more)

      checks public transport

      11h 30 in train with at least 4 or more trains changes…

      Nope… Still faster by plane, well unless they cancel it or similar …

        • @XTornado@lemmy.ml
          17 months ago

          Oh yeah sure.

          In my case even adding the time on airport reaching it etc and even with my shitty connections as I live in a small town still much less. Of course that changes if there is a cancellation or similar.

          And those numbers I provided was the car/train from big city to big city near airport of departure and arrival. Not the towns I end up going to, because they are much less.communciqted and adds more time.

    • @TheBlue22
      87 months ago

      It’s much cheaper for an average person to fly from Slovakia to London than to go through, like 3 countries by train/car and in the tunnel/on a ferry.

        • @TheBlue22
          87 months ago

          Holy shit. Did you think for ever a split second before typing that comment?

          Money, for most people who are not well off, IS THE BIGGEST CONSIDERSTION.

          I am not a functioning member of society, if I can’t afford to spare multiple times amount of money and time to lug myself, in my shitty car for 18+ hours or in public transportation for 22+ hours to see MY FAMILY like once every 2 years.

          Because it’s individuals who caused global warming, right? Not the corporations, who knew of it for decades and didn’t give a shit in pursuit of higher profits.

          I seriously hope this is a troll and you are not actually that idiotic and/or smug.

            • @TheBlue22
              37 months ago

              You are fucking pathetic.

              If you think I am such a monster for seeing MY FUCKING FAMILY every 2 years thats your problem. Not mine.

              Perhaps yours doesn’t love you enough for you to want to visit them.

              You are a complete fucking moron who has no idea what the fuck you are even talking about. Its morons like you who give climate activists a bad rep.

              Go eat a bag of dicks

        • @lud@lemm.ee
          7 months ago

          When I checked just now it’s 13 hours.

          That’s a lot and you shouldn’t drive for that long uninterrupted.

          The train apparently takes 7 hours which is much more reasonable.

          And of course cost matters.

          Btw that trip to London from where I live is either a 2 hour flight or 22-23 hours with train/car

        • Flying Squid
          17 months ago

          “If you can’t afford to go to your brother’s funeral by car, but can afford a plane ticket, you’re a waste to civilization and should be put down!”

        • It’s 45min flight + 40 min bus to the airport + ~30 min wait for on boarding (not a lot of security theater/long queues). Let’s add another 40 min for takeoff and getting my luggage. 40 min bus from the airport to Oslo for a total of 3 hours and 15 min.

          It’s literally more time on the bus than on the plane, especially for those of us who don’t live in Oslo and need to take the bus for even longer.

          If I were to be realistic with the drive, I would add another hour to the drive as you’ll likely want to stop to eat during the drive. That’s half the time of what it takes to drive.

          I’ll drive during the summer since I can stop halfway through and take a short hike in the mountains before continuing, but during the winter you run the risk of the roads getting shut down if the weather is bad over the mountains.

          Also thanks for fucking our environment to save yourself 2-3h

          You’re welcome, I’m sure those 2 flights per year by someone who doesn’t even own a car and probably never will is ruining the environment lmao.

            • @UndercoverUlrikHD@programming.dev
              7 months ago

              I feel like the added time to and from the airport is something everyone are aware of, it’s pretty much the same regardless of flight time. The flight is still a 45 min flight. I don’t work for “big air flight”, so I don’t have anything to gain on convincing someone that flying is more time effective for certain trips.

              2 per year alone is a lot btw

              In what world is 2 flights per year a lot? It’s a single round-trip.

              My buddy who works as a robotics mechanic flies every month for his work, my old man working off-shore flies 4 times every month. Your typical family/couple will take a trip or two on vacation every year. I feel like the odd one out since I got a cabin where I spend my vacation instead of seeing the world.

              Don’t try to cop out, the least you can do is own it and say “so what”.

              I’m not trying to “cop out”, why would I make excuses for strangers on the internet? I don’t feel any guilt for what’s a literal drop in the ocean. There are other glaring issues that I’m more concerned about than flight traffic. If you hold a different opinion that’s fine and I’m happy to hear it.

              I’m purely sharing my opinion on a site dedicated for that. It’s a good way to get perspective and opinions from people across cultures and at different stages of life.

    • @HiddenLayer5@lemmy.ml
      7 months ago

      There is indeed in most of the world, in the form of intercity and high speed rail. There used to be the former in a way bigger proportion of North America than there is now.

    • Flying Squid
      27 months ago

      If I find out my mother is dying and I want to make it there before she dies, I’d rather take a two-hour flight than a seven-hour drive.

      So no, not always.

      • @MBM@lemmings.world
        27 months ago

        So, just take the flight in the rare case that it’s an emergency, and otherwise check if there’s a better option

        • Flying Squid
          17 months ago

          We cannot have airlines that exist purely for emergencies unless they are so cost-prohibitive that they are only usable by the rich. In order to have airplanes criss-crossing the world for that purpose, they have to work on a regular basis.

          That is not a tenable way to do things.