• Unaware7013
      277 months ago

      Just because its useful once or twice a year doesn’t mean it isn’t crazy.

    • squiblet
      77 months ago

      That doesn’t make it a sane choice for day-to-day transportation. If you can afford to have a regular car and a truck on the side for utility, great. Otherwise, why drive this giant polluting POS, which are usually rather expensive to purchase as well as to operate? Trucks aren’t that comfortable to drive imo… hard to see in front of you, stop poorly, turn poorly, difficult to park. When you need to move furniture or whatever you can rent one for a day for $40.

    • Alto
      7 months ago

      I promise you the amount I save on my payment + gas is far more than the amount it costs me to rent a truck the very, very rare occasions I need one. The same goes for the vast majority of American suburbanites.