Michael Bazzell’s podcast has been a fantastic resource to me over the years, and I was hoping to re-listen to some of the old episodes. I understand his reasoning for not wanting old episodes to be available through his main channel, but it would be a really nice resource to have old archived episodes available for listening.

I’ve read that there is a torrent of them somewhere, but I’ve unfortunately been unable to find them. Any help in pointing me in the right direction would be very appreciated.

  • @DeflectedBullhorn@lemmy.oneOP
    17 months ago

    Look what fell off a truck in Base64.


    bWFnbmV0Oj94dD11cm46YnRpaDozYzIxZjVmM2E4ZTRmZTIzMTk2MTdjOWRmNjU0OGIwMmVjYWIy MGFjJmRuPVRoZStQcml2YWN5LCtTZWN1cml0eSthbmQrT1NJTlQrU2hvdystK0VwKzAwMS0zMDUm dHI9dWRwOi8vdHJhY2tlci5vcGVuYml0dG9ycmVudC5jb206ODAmdHI9dWRwOi8vdHJhY2tlci5v cGVudHJhY2tyLm9yZzoxMzM3L2Fubm91bmNl