First police investigation of Supernova festival also found Israeli forces responsible for some deaths.

    18 months ago

    So a non active Hamas combatant isn’t a valid target either?

    By the way these are active IDF troops. It was a very targeted attack against the militant kibbutzes where mainly soldier’s live.

      18 months ago

      Hamas has a reserve corps? News to… the entire world there.

      These were not active soldiers, they were regular people like Vivian Silver who devoted her life to working with the Palestinian people. They were party goers at a music festival. They were families with young children. This is why they in large part weren’t armed, even though they’ve been trained. Reservists don’t have their weapons when they’re not active.

      I’d implore you to go watch the videos. This wasn’t a targeted attack, it was a breach followed by mayhem. There is audio available of terrorists phoning their parents to brag about killing families. You’re justifying this. You’re defending this. The counter offensive from Israel should be completely acceptable to you by your own logic. Very specific actions, lots of warning too. Guided missiles hitting the exact targets. All against known Hamas operatives. According to your logic the women and children are just what? Part of the targeting? It’s hard to believe you actually buy into what you’re writing but I have come across some seriously fucked up people here.

        8 months ago

        I’m just using America logic here. If Hamas was American this would have been called a highly accurate targeted assault with minimal civilians casualties, far better than the American avarage.

        If anything Hamas look like angels in comparison to israel which uses JDAMs on schools full of little kids and women and burns them alive or suffocates them beneath the rubble.

          18 months ago

          American logic? By American logic Gaza should have been nuked. By American logic, shock and awe is an opening statement followed by a complete leveling of cities and towns.

          By American logic, the Israelis are playing kindergarten games

            8 months ago

            I know Americans are hypocritical war criminals. Just trying to illustrate a point of the same propaganda we hear on the news of you replace the word Israel with Hamas.