Kneel for the Rule

  • First Majestic Comet
    98 months ago

    Why is taking a Knee during the anthem considered disrespectful anyway? I never really got why and no one has ever given me a good answer.

      • First Majestic Comet
        58 months ago

        I thought there might’ve been a deeper reason, though I’m not surprised it does seem pretty dumb considering the reason people have done it is as a form of protest (if protesting for rights is disrespectful, there is seriously something wrong with the world).

          • First Majestic Comet
            58 months ago

            It is stupid, we should be able to stand up for our rights, especially since conservatives feel we shouldn’t have any (and I’m not just talking about trans, gay, and queer rights either, they’ve shown they don’t want anyone to have rights).