Senior men have higher rates of suicide than average, and firearms were involved in more than three-quarters of those deaths in 2021, according to a CDC report

    338 months ago

    I think others have mentioned this, but I’m disturbed that the article seems more concerned about guns than about the way our society and culture fails older men.

    Sure it gets a mention but omg guns.

      128 months ago

      Get rid of all guns and gun suicides will plummet! It’s just obvious! Can’t you see that?! The problem is GUNS GUNS GUNS. After all, this is an anti gun article, right?! Wait… Why does the article mention suicide?

        8 months ago

        Get rid of all guns and gun suicides will plummet!

        Shouldn’t you guys be somewhere crying out mental health in the replies to yet another mass shooting article?

        Sure you can kill yourself other ways, and society isn’t great to older men, or men, or women, or infants, or whatever…but guns deliver instant death that is just barely on this side of the line of premeditated.

        The rise in suicide rates also coincides with lax gun laws if you have read anything about the subject.

        Think about the last time you had a long, lonely night, it was miserable, right? What if you had an instant way of ending it all right that moment at the height of your torment, and that method was within arm’s reach?

        Guns can easily turn a bad night into a person’s last night. Expand outreach for mental health and work on improving society in other ways, sure, but continuing to provide ubiquitous, instant means to kill yourself and others does zero to solve any of society’s ills.

    • credit crazy
      28 months ago

      Fr in amarica wel fix everything but the thing creating the problem. Baning guns ain’t gonna make people less depressed, less isolated, less valiant and the only people that feel safer are people who didn’t have issues to begin with.