I’m a bit surprised to see so many torrent posts. Are most people still using Torrents? Are most piracy users aware of programs like sonarr or radarr?

  • VerifiablyMrWonka
    31 year ago

    Both these give you a simple way to search for things you want. They use IMDB and the like to give you a big list of results. You add what you want to your collection and in the background they scurry off to torrent sites or usenet and downloads it. Then they name everything nicely and stuff then in your Plex library.

    You can set them up to use specific torrent sites. Download specific qualities, or more likely an order of qualities by preference and all sorts of other tweaks.

    • Nihilore
      11 year ago

      is there a point if you don’t use plex (i.e. just watch everything on your computer)?

    • astrsk
      11 year ago

      Can they tackle my existing 20tb of Plex media (shows, anime, movies)? Somewhat organized but I’ve been relying on Plex to identify and sometimes manually fix matches. But that’s about it, doesn’t even rename or organize anything.

    • Star
      6 months ago

      Removed by mod