• Diva (she/her)
      28 months ago

      I don’t care about your justification for both siding an ongoing genocide

        • Diva (she/her)
          28 months ago

          I didn’t “both side” the genocide

          The comment literally finishes with me criticising both sides - ie, implying that all genocide is wrong.

          There is an active genocide happening, and you are going “all lives matter” because the brown people are being violent and resisting.

            • Diva (she/her)
              28 months ago

              Hamas is a creation of Israels own actions. They have a history of erratic behavior politically including fighting alongside ISIS. They are still the elected government such as it is. It’s absolutely sickening seeing comfortable westerners acting like they have some kind of right to pass judgment on people living in such a situation. They fight back however they can, and it’s not going to be pretty because war and colonial occupation is not clean.

              There is a simple solution, but it would either require Israel to stop being an ethnostate or stop existing so that a government which represents everyone in occupied Palestine can exist.

                • Diva (she/her)
                  18 months ago

                  I already said don’t care about your bullshit hand-wringing about the what-ifs an occupied people could have or should have done so that they would be a model minority for you (one who gets exterminated without putting up too much of a fight)

                  There is a simple solution, but it would either require Israel to stop being an ethnostate or stop existing

                  It’s simple to say that, but the practical application of doing that is anything but simple.

                  Yeah, America would need to stop supporting it and its ongoing genocide for that to happen.