It is November? Are we writing? Drawing? Reading?

For me, NaNo has started, but I’m also busy with a lot of other things which means I’m not doing as much writing until the latter half of the month. So this weekend will have a little writing, but unfortunately not a lot of other fandom things.

What about everyone else?

    • @LeGaosaure
      28 months ago

      You’ll know that glaring at a document does NOT make words happen. Difficult to believe, right? x’) So yeah, didn’t manage anything on the day I posted… but since then I’ve finished the kinkmeme fic! I just need to do a quick typo-check and post it ♥ I’m glad I finished it before I “officially” get the prompt I’ll work with next, so that’s a win!

      • a_mac_and_conOP
        18 months ago

        Congrats on getting the kinkmeme done! I do love the sense of accomplishment when you complete something on time. :) I know you’ll do well on today’s prompt! Also in getting started on your friend’s fic.