So, I have come to the conclusion that the word “want” in my brain has two closely related meanings.

  1. Something I want right now for the dopamine. Ex Ice Cream.
  2. Something that I want for my self long term. Ex to be healthy.

It is hard enough to organize my thoughts normally, but when I have competing wants like Ice Cream, vs to be healthy. It really sucks to have the same word for both.

Does anyone else feel this way? Is there other words that you use to help separated these ideas in your head?

  • Franzia
    11 months ago

    Since I learned CBT I focus on lower brain and upper brain. It doesnt always make perfect scientific sense, and often the “lower brain” is more about fears than other emotions. You may want to try more complex words. Impulse, desire, SMART goal, craving. “Competing wants” sounds like Economics 101 lingo. I’m not gonna give advice, I think I’m struggling with this is same problem in an entirely different way.