• DudeBoy
      8 months ago

      The problem is you think anyone to the right of Stalin is a Nazi.

      Edit: I’m glad my manic commenting this morning sparked such wonderful debate.

        • @uis@lemmy.world
          28 months ago

          No, he was totalitarian. Example of authorutarian is Putin. I would reccomend you to watch Shulman’s lectures about totalitarian and authoritarian regimes, but you will not understand it unless you know russian. Or unless there is lecture in english.

          TLDR: “I will kill you for the Idea” is totalitarism, libertarianism is autocracy.

          • @Slotos@feddit.nl
            58 months ago

            Totalitarianism is a case of authoritarianism.

            On that note, “I will kill you for the idea” is fanaticism.

            • @uis@lemmy.world
              8 months ago

              No. Authoritarism implies depoliticization of society and promises like “we won’t touch you, you won’t touch us”, while totalitarism implies very politicized society. Both are dictatorships, but they work differently.

              Not saying that one dictator is better than the other.

              • @Slotos@feddit.nl
                28 months ago

                This is not the first time a Russian fails to comprehend Russian language.

                The claim you’re making is a description of “informational autocracy”, which Shulman claims modern Russia were.

                No idea what she claims now, when Russia has clearly moved past using just information to control its population since February 2022.

        • Karyoplasma
          8 months ago

          The only thing Stalin had in common with the Nazis was that he was a socialist. But like many oppressive figures, he only liked the idea of socialism because it traps your underlings into dependency which makes them easier to control under a tyrannical rule.

          “He committed atrocities” is not the definition of being a Nazi. If that’s your definition, that’s non-standard and people will misunderstand your points.

          • @nymwit@lemm.ee
            308 months ago

            oh wow my first “nazis were socialists” post on lemmy. [bender taking photo “neat”] Place is getting big. I mean that’s how you know you made it to the big leagues.

            • @Illuminostro@lemmy.world
              68 months ago

              Just like North Korea is democratic. “It’s right there in the name! The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea!” /s, for the stupid.

            • Karyoplasma
              28 months ago

              Read the sentence right after the first. Context is important.

              I enjoyed the Futurama reference tho.

          • @Zoboomafoo@lemmy.world
            98 months ago

            “He committed atrocities” is not the definition of being a Nazi. If that’s your definition, that’s non-standard and people will misunderstand your points.

            That’s the nicest “stop making shit up motherfucker” I’ve seen

          • He was a fascist authoritarian dictator who committed countless atrocities under the guise of “socialism”. He is very much like Hitler, historically. But no, he wasn’t a “Nazi”.

            • @LillyPip@lemmy.ca
              88 months ago

              Stalin wasn’t fascist, though. Authoritarian, yes; dictator, yes. Fascism is specifically a far-right ideology, though. It’s not synonymous with authoritarianism or totalitarianism, though those terms overlap.

            • Karyoplasma
              18 months ago

              This is what I wanted to express. Thank you for making the effort to understand my post.

      • @gmtom@lemmy.world
        248 months ago

        Go back to where you came from redditor. No one wants you here and your smooth brained “le epic trolling XD” is just kind of sad and brings down the mood.

      • @agent_flounder@lemmy.world
        218 months ago

        I have a buddy who is right leaning in several areas. He’s not a Nazi. Not fash.

        Like, ok, he’s not super comfortable about trans people which is disappointing but we talked about how outlawing treatment is fucked and he is agrees.

        He is all for socialized healthcare. Less into socializing other stuff. And he is pro-2A like me, who is a lefty as in pro-labor, anti-bigotry, social democrat, ACAB, etc.

        We talk about politics all the time. And we can see each other’s point of view. Because we talk in person. And we respect each other.

        Online with all the trolls and shit especially in this kind of brief social media format, political discourse usually shits the bed and rolls around in it too.

        Anyway the folks I consider fascists are the ones who think in social hierarchy instead of equality and think certain identities are below them and want to “put those folks back in their place,” by law or force. T

        hey are the ones who favor authoritarianism over democracy and a return to some fake ideal before the civil rights era, before sexual revolution, feminism, women’s suffrage, or in some cases emancipation. They’re people who still praise Trump and DeSantis for the ways they hurt people not like them.

        Some of us know what fascism actually means.

          • @BURN@lemmy.world
            408 months ago

            This is the major point that many seem to miss

            If they still vote for the GOP they’re endorsing facism, racism and a few other -ism’s and -phobias.

            That can’t be reconciled with a good person. If they vote for the GOP I can’t see them as a good person, because they are actively voting against the rights of people like myself.

        • @HorseWithNoName@lemm.ee
          218 months ago

          the folks I consider fascists are the ones who think in social hierarchy instead of equality and think certain identities are below them and want to “put those folks back in their place,” by law or force.

          So like, the people who aren’t “super comfortable” with trans people?

          But fascism isn’t about what individual people decide to “consider” it to be. It’s a real thing. It has a definition. Idk when we got to this point where reality is debatable, but it may be the only thing that we could stand to go backwards on as a society.

        • DudeBoy
          28 months ago

          Centralization of power is bad in any economic system. That is one way in which both sides are the same. Which style of dictator would you prefer?

          • @RGB3x3@lemmy.world
            228 months ago

            Anyone not expressly against fascism is perpetuating it whether they realize it or not.

            You’re either anti-fascist, fascist, or helping the fascists by not caring.

            • Just because someone is against assholes like you doesn’t mean they’re not against fascism. In fact, I’d imagine that a lot of them are against you for the same reasons why they’re against fascism.

      • @WaxedWookie@lemmy.world
        14 months ago

        Nobody tell them about the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact.

        I remember when I thought the USSR was communist - simpler times… simpler me - then I picked up a dictionary.