• @jordanlund@lemmy.world
    48 months ago

    The intent very much matters. In the example I stated above, the intent on one side was to buy a bunch of weed and the intent on the other side was to sell a bunch of weed. Nobody walked into that looking to shoot someone, it just worked out that way.

    Compared to someone hauling an AR-15 into a supermarket and shooting indiscriminately, that’s a huge difference in intent.

    In the case of the public at large, the latter case results in “oh, shit, that could have been me!” but the former case it’s “Well, glad I’m not trying to illegally sell a bunch of weed to out of towners!”

    Calling both a “mass shooting” does a disservice to the victims of actual mass shootings.

    • @Zoboomafoo@lemmy.world
      8 months ago

      I’m pretty sure GVA lumps every shooting together because then the only common factor, and then the only solution, is the gun itself

      • @jordanlund@lemmy.world
        28 months ago

        That and they make money by keeping people scared. “ZOMG! MORE MASS SHOOTINGS THAN DAYS IN THE YEAR!!!” and news orgs repeat it without questioning their methodology.