Remember kids, Tankies wants to undermine democracy - same as facists.

      9 months ago

      I wasn’t telling them to KYS, they just interpreted it that way because that’s genuinely what you lot think about people you don’t like. Closest I come to KYS is telling pedos to go into the woodchipper because it really gets under their skin.

      Even if I was, it wasn’t the reason why I was removed. If you look at my chat history you’ll see the last things I posted and it will become a lot more clear that I was just getting on the nerves of one of the admins and that was why they applied the ban.

      I don’t even care they banned me because the place has already proven themselves to be cryptofash faux-leftism and it sucks so many genuinely communist folk find their home there where they can’t really make any genuine leftist connections.

        9 months ago

        What did you mean by

        Good, I hope your day is ruined, and if you’re lucky you won’t have to face another.

        Because to me that comes off as KYS or “hopefully you die” and you said it twice before you were banned.

        Honestly it seems like you got into an argument and you said some really problematic things and were banned.

          9 months ago

          Yeah, you won’t have to face another shitty day. Like get your shit together and make better of things. It boggles my mind how much that the admins were able to just absolutely control my image just because they didn’t like the fact I was picking fights with the cryptofash. Isn’t the whole point of leftism that you’re supposed to be uncompromising with fascism?

          You can nitpick through each and every ban on the log and try to confabulate a reason for why I was removed or you can look at my chat history and see the admin flat out saying “I’m going to ban you if you don’t back off with your critiques of me” which I of course didn’t.

            9 months ago

            Thinking the admins are looking to control your image is kinda conspiracy brained, I literally just looked you up in the modlog and I agree that their read on what you said was reasonable.

              9 months ago

              Whatever, I’ve only moved left ever since I got banned from that shitty cult website and hopefully one day you will too. Looking back, my time there has been the sickest mentally I have ever been and that’s saying something with all the shit i’ve been through.

                29 months ago

                I generally don’t think that cults yell at people to go join a local org, even if that local org is the DSA.

                Well, we should all hopefully move left over time, unlearning is a life long process.

                  9 months ago

                  Yeah it really is, and it’s really easy to get caught up in false consciousness along the way, but that’s just how you learn. You probably wouldn’t be surprised how many times I ended up hanging out with neoliberals thinking they were cool only for them to surprise me with outright nazi levels of racism just out of nowhere. Yeah, those are not fond days.