• @TheBlue22
    18 months ago

    Because checking planks exactly to 1mm on a multimillon car is comparable to checking a fucking skateboard, sure.

    It’s very easy to say “WHY THE HELL DID THEY NOT CHECK ALL THE CARS!!!1!1” in retrospect, but you understand the fact that cars that were not about to be checked were long taken apart before this check even happened. Heck, who knows, maybe they have already been packed in trucks and on the way to Mexico.

    The fact that 50% of the cars didn’t pass is fucking unprecedented. Is FIA supposed to predict the future or something? Or are they gonna learn from their mistake and perhaps change their prosedure, something that they pretty consistently done in the past.

    Now it is true that the teams had only 90 minutes to prepare and having parc ferme since friday is dumb as hell, but it’s up to the teams to not break the technical rules. Redbull and McLaren didn’t. Ferrari and Mercedes did. Simple as that.