• AJ Sadauskas
    11 year ago

    @ckent @jroper @tom_andraszek @TheOne I agree the risk of rail infrastructure projects being cancelled right now is high.

    For all the many well documented faults of the previous government, one thing it absolutely got right was the willingness to invest in rail and transport oriented development.

    Let’s hope Chris Minns expands on this legacy.

    Unfortunately, pulling the plug on two planned metro lines in Western Sydney and putting a cap on tolls doesn’t fill me with hope.

    • Christian Kent
      11 year ago

      @ajsadauskas @jroper @tom_andraszek @TheOne Put a bow on that toot 🎀 that about covers it

      His election night speech (like many others on those nights, an insight into the real person), gave me a little hope. I’d love to fill the apparatchik with boldness and confidence, to rebuild a state in his “image” — as in, imagination.

      • Christian Kent
        11 year ago

        @ajsadauskas @jroper @tom_andraszek @TheOne whoa 🤯 have we all misused the phrase “rebuild in their image” since the first time someone threw insults about building statues, and metaphoric statues to mean “in their semblance”?

        Was it originally a nice thing to say? Maybe it used to imply the person had creativity and imagination.