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Some interesting data analysis here. I’ll pose the same question as the author:

…by majority vote, Australians have made clear that a constitutionally enshrined Voice to Parliament is not how they want to respond to these crises.
An urgent question emerges — what is?

    79 months ago

    Yeah, I’ve mentioned to some friends and family that my wife and I are moving overseas. I don’t use Facebook or anything, I’ve purposely not engaged in discussions with them about the Voice.

    And some of the hate and vitriol has been astounding. Full mask-off Aussie exceptionalism.

    The Voice was just the nail in the coffin for us. We’d been considering moving for a while. I wish Aussies really knew how fucked our work culture is. And how shit our pay is relative to the cost of living.

    They’re living in a fantastical version of Australia sold to them by a nationalist media.

        9 months ago

        I can’t say shit about my full set of motivations without breaking NDAs and doxxing myself unfortunately.

        But Australia is worse off environmentally than the public knows. And so many of us that worked in environmental analysis for big engineering firms, which are contracted by government, defence and so on, are gagged.

        When people try to blow the whistle, they are put into lengthy court battles which they never win.

        I worked on a project a few years ago around water theft, one of the other attached contractors had an analyst go to the media, blowing the lid off the scope of the issue. I have no idea what happened to her exactly, but I know they buried her in court.

        I’m moving to Canada, but more to be with friends, and spend the rest of my thirties and onwards enjoying my life. My twenties were brutal, I’m 35 and I’ve never had a holiday. I’ve been an activist for twenty years in Aus as well, this referendum and the result are painful.

        This, for instance, is in actuality a much more pressing issue than this 2017 article portrays.

        • Quokka
          9 months ago

          So . . . you’re moving to Canada because our environmentalism and indigenous rights are shit?

          Ooh boy, you’re in for a ride if you think it’s bad here.

            9 months ago

            Fuck, imagine being this stupid.

            Imagine me typing

            I’m moving to Canada to be with my friends.

            And still typing that dogshit-brained shit.

            What a perfect example of why I’m moving. What a perfect example of vapid Aussie exceptionalism.

            • Quokka
              39 months ago

              Geez have a fucking whinge mate why don’t you mate.

              Oh boohoo someone called out my hypocrisy, this is why I’m leaving wahhwahh.