Maps and documents recovered from the bodies of Hamas attackers reveal a coordinated plan to target children and take hostages inside an Israeli village near Gaza.

      549 months ago

      I wouldn’t trust anything “found” by Israeli intelligence. Having said that, according to article, these are plans for:

      Hamas units to surround and infiltrate villages and target places where civilians, including children, gather.

      Which is reasonably close to what happened. Given how direct and quick the strike was, it’s reasonable to assume that plans of that nature exist.

      Then again, October 7th was a a Saturday and a holiday and Hamas attacked early in the morning. If they wanted to kidnap kids, it wouldn’t make sense to target schools.

      TLDR: I dunno. Maybe.

      • danhakimiOP
        119 months ago

        Other officials in their leadership said they were confused about the timing.

        The attack was also the 50th anniversary, to the day, of the Yom Kippur war.

      379 months ago

      People trusting the IDF in 2023 is something I’ll never understand.

      Their kneejerk reaction has always been to claim theyre the victim and their actions are 100% justified.

      So now, even when it might be true, there’s no way I’d ever trust their word on it.

      They’re like real life “boy that cried wolf”.

      239 months ago

      No they absolutely keep their top secret plans printed on hundreds of fliers detailing the atrocities they plan to commit, just in case they’re captured so the whole world learns their “secret” plans that they printed at Kinkos and becomes even more enraged and hits their civilians harder. It’s definitively how real war is done in real life, but I mean obviously by mindless monsters not worthy of the land they’ve continually been forced out of because they’re rabid babykilling Islamic animals hellbent on an antisemitic hell crusade and this map of elementary schools we found totally proves it!

      (Yeah, it’s probably propaganda. Israel is about to/is doing genocide in the spotlight and they need justification)

      9 months ago

      It can be both. When your goal is hostages, it makes sense to take the most vulnerable. Children are easier to take and aren’t likely to fight back.

      Edit: Free Palestine 🇵🇸

      • danhakimiOP
        99 months ago

        It’s fascinating that you felt the need to edit your comment because just addressing the facts in the present case wasn’t enough. Even though the facts might be true and despicable, you still need to make it clear what side you’re on, you can’t just say what you think is true.

          69 months ago

          He didn’t say free hamas. Hama’s isn’t Palestine. Hamas hasn’t held an election for almost as long as the average Palestinian has been alive. Longer than they’ve been able to vote. Personally I’d like to see Palestine free of Israel and Israel’s creation hamas.

          • danhakimiOP
            59 months ago

            I didn’t say Hamas was Palestine, I didn’t say he said Free Hamas, I didn’t say anything about his point except the way he felt the need to inject it on the end of an otherwise complete and practically unrelated point.

    • billwashere
      139 months ago

      At this point anything Israel “finds” just seems to justify the genocide that really seems to be happening.

      49 months ago

      Por que no los dos? Nothing can justify an excessive response. Murdering children on purpose can’t justify more children being murdered.

        9 months ago

        If both parties are both acting in good faith, but Israel has been doing nothing but making excuses for its wholesale genocide. Their actions make their credibility suspect.

        • danhakimiOP
          29 months ago

          what the fuck are you talking about? You’re fucking saying Hamas was acting in good faith?

          My God, this place.

            • danhakimiOP
              19 months ago

              I was trying very hard to understand what the fuck you were talking about, which is why I asked.

              if you read your own comment again, you might just notice the sheer lack of grammatical sense.

              If you want people to understand your point, try again.

                9 months ago

                If you were genuinely asking then apologies for the misunderstanding. Yet the question is one of those “you are prolife? You support killing babies?” type situations.

                I never mentioned Hamas or said they also are acting in good faith, as that isnt the topic called into question.

                Hamas acting in good faith has nothing to do with this. They aren’t the one making claims.

                Israel is the one making the claims here, and the question is if they are making the claim in good faith or trying to justify their genocidal campaign against Palestine.

                It smells like propaganda and Israel has been doing nothing but fishing for an excuse to justify their “retaliation” efforts, especially with the backlash from other countries.

                19 months ago

                If you were genuinely asking then apologies for the misunderstanding. Yet the question is one of those “you are prolife? You support killing babies?” type situations.

                I never mentioned Hamas or said they also are acting in good faith, as that isnt the topic called into question.

                Hamas acting in good faith has nothing to do with this. They aren’t the one making claims.

                Israel is the one making the claims here, and the question is if they are making the claim in good faith or trying to justify their genocidal campaign against Palestine.

                It smells like propaganda and Israel has been doing nothing but fishing for an excuse to justify their retaliation, especially with the backlash from other countries.

                • danhakimiOP
                  19 months ago

                  I never mentioned Hamas or said they also are acting in good faith, as that isnt the topic called into question.

                  Who are the “both parties” here? You said something about “both parties,” do you remember that?

                  Israel is the one making the claims here, and the question is if they are making the claim in good faith or trying to justify their genocidal campaign against Palestine.

                  I think that’ll be clear enough once the campaign is over and you barely see a blip in the population of Gaza, and they’re really not too concerned with justifying anything on the world stage—the UN seems to be censuring them every damn day already.

                  Also: I don’t think you really need an excuse to go rescue 150+ hostages when the hostage-takers don’t have terms to give them back, I think it’s very clear that Hamas is desperate for the invasion to happen. I’m the furthest thing from a war hawk, but I can’t understand what people want to happen here, you want Netanyahu to fly to Qatar and beg this guy to give back the hostages? Offer for all 9.5 million Israelis to leave in the next week? There’s no way Hamas is giving up those hostages, no way they’re going to stop trying to kill every Jew on the planet. They’re acting in good faith on their stated goals.

                  What more justification do you think Israel actually needs to invade Gaza?