The US Coast Guard is giving a press conference following discovery of debris from the sub.

  • artisanrox
    371 year ago

    Oh no.

    Anyway, there are thousands of refugees getting drowned every day and they don’t pay $250K to kill themselves and their kids in a sub made by a guy who thinks safety is stupid.

      • artisanrox
        91 year ago

        People are so mad about other people having opinions on billionaires doing stupid things lol

      • Technoguyfication
        221 year ago

        If anyone deserved to die down there, it’s the CEO of the company who was on the sub. There have been multiple accounts of him blatantly disregarding safety regulations, recommendations by engineers, testing data, and they did not have the sub certified by any governing body before the trip. It’s possible the passengers had no idea how badly planned the mission was, as it seems like all this information is only coming out just now.

        • aegisgfx877
          51 year ago

          On the bright side a couple people are up at least a billion bux today…

      • artisanrox
        71 year ago

        How can you act like you give a fuck about refugees when you clearly don’t give a fuck about these lives?

        It’s extremely easy when you consider they’re overfinanced enough to take a 4000m dive with someone with a 5 dollar koystick and who thinks safety is a stupid concept

          • artisanrox
            61 year ago

            Like, you think this is about money…it’s not. It’s about the utter cancerous abuse of money, the dumbassed invincibility you gain when you can essentially not care about safety for ANYONE, even yourself, and you pay a moron to potentially kill you.

            Also, if this country is going to tell regular people not to eat avocados and literally SKIP MEALS to save money, then the top incone class should be reminded through things like this to keep their egos in their pants and do something more constructive with their money than buy pixelspace platforms and kill themselves in the ocean.

              • artisanrox
                1 year ago

                You claim to give a shit about refugees while in the same breath calling for the heads of the rich.

                Yes. Because when articles literally telling people to skip meals in order to save money get published, unironically, I am going to balk at a multi-channel outlet operation to garner sympathy for these people.

                Bothsidesing this falls so flat when you know this guy ###fired a safety whistleblower### and the people went with him thinking that is a very good and fun idea.

                No path that condemns people to suffering and death is just.

                You wrote I am PERSONALLY condemning people to death here twice, as if repetition majes it true.

                I am obviously not condemning anyone to death. Am I? I never woke up one day and wished for these people to die.

                They did that themselves.

                And especially that poor kid who didn’t even want to be there.

                This is NOT a tragedy, this is consequences.

          • cynetri (he/any)
            21 year ago

            It’s not about the money itself, it’s about the power said money (and control of the company) brings. That CEO’s bad attitude toward safety means it’s WAY better that he suffered the consequences first, tragically taking a few others with him, than for him to have taken many others’ lives and continue to live a luxurious life with blood on his hands.

      • Nora
        01 year ago

        Every billionaire deserves death… When there are people out there suffering and you somehow accrued more than a Billion dollars(By exploiting those very people), that is extremely morally wrong.

        The more that die the better. The ocean has done more for humanity in the last 6 months than humanity has done for itself in the last 6 years.

        • assbutt
          11 year ago

          Yeah, Hitler had a lot of justifications for slaughtering Jews too.

          How can you be so blind? It doesn’t matter what banner you claim, if you pursue your ideals through death and violence, you are not the good guy.