• CyclohexaneM
    99 months ago

    Because they aren’t.

    Israel is genociding Palestinians, and Hamas is resisting them.

    If innocents are caught in the crossfire of Hamas resisting, then Israel is to blame, not Hamas. Israel targets civilians, Hamas was targeting the military.

      • CyclohexaneM
        69 months ago

        You mean the dance rave held at the gates of a concentration camp and active war zone? The one with many Israeli soldiers positioned and decided to skirmish the Palestinian resistance, and put the ravers in crossfire?

        Arab Israeli population went from 1.5M to 2M since 2006

        That’s because of their high birth rate. 45% of Palestinians are under the age of 15. The genocide numbers are very well documented, but I admire your bravery with genocide denial despite mountains of evidence.