• stopthatgirl7
    2179 months ago

    Democrats this morning were shown a clip of McCarthy on CBS over the weekend trying to blame them for shutdown chaos, Rep. Gerry Connolly, D-Va., said, calling that a clarifying moment for those in the party who might have voted to save him. McCarthy’s decision to blame Democrats on TV this weekend was “one of the most crushingly stupid things somebody could do on the eve of your survival vote,” he told NBC News this afternoon.

    I saw that interview clip - the reporter actually started laughing when he tried to blame the Democrats. It really was a stupid thing to say.

    • @Astroturfed@lemmy.world
      1269 months ago

      The Democrats were discussing working with him. Then he basically told them to fuck off with that interview. So he lost with 8 republican votes. Such bad strategy. It just makes you think, aren’t you supposed to be a politician. You ever politiced in your whole life?

      I guess this is the kind of stupid, horrible strategy you can expect from the current Republican party. They don’t have to make deals are negotiate. Their entire platform is scream Democrats bad.

      • stopthatgirl7
        789 months ago

        He was trying to throw the democrats under the bus because the threat from Gaetz was that he was working with the Democrats. But he forgot the Democrats aren’t complete pushovers, just mostly pushovers, and ended up falling under the bus instead.

      • He eas trying to get the most radical reps back by showing “hey i am one of you, i also wanto to own the libs” But fascists hanging their own to try if they are not radical enough is a story as old as fascism.

        • @psmgx@lemmy.world
          9 months ago

          You’re crazy if you think it’s these guys cutting deals with the big P directly. It’s more like the NRA, the Heritage Foundation, the Carlyle Group, some Koch org, or other billionaires.

          The politicians are just the mouth pieces and button pushers.

          That 14 republicans went to see Putin is the exception, not the rule. Normally they don’t expose that relationship and keep it going via middlemen.

    • @givesomefucks@lemmy.world
      9 months ago

      Everyone wants to act like he wants to be speaker…

      He gets zero out of it and no matter what happens it hurts his chance retaining his seat or moving up to a higher office.

      He probably can’t be happier to step back in the shadows.


      Woke up to see no ones ever heard about a dog that spends it whole life chasing cars, then when one stops realizes it doesn’t know what to do

      • He desperately wanted to be speaker. He was pissed off when it took him many votes to get the role, actively negotiating for the job he should’ve been a shoo in for.

        Then even once he had it, he was doing anything he could to appease the freedom caucus, including the unilateral impeachment investigation and the shutdown threat.

        In averting the shutdown he essentially resigned, but at that point he was a broken man who was tired of selling his soul to appease the far right. Lets not act like he didn’t do everything’s short of shutting down the government to avoid this.

      • @insomniac@sh.itjust.works
        169 months ago

        Speaker is usually end game. For politicians who want it, that’s where their career peaks. Party leaders pretty much always end up unpopular. That’s why Paul Ryan was reluctant to do it and now his career is tanked. John Boehner is a full time lobbyist now. Pelosi will probably never leave Congress.

        But no one has ever wanted to be speaker more than Kev. He’s not really smart or popular enough to get any higher anyway. The fact that such a dim witted sad sack got as high as he did is a miracle by itself.

    • @psmgx@lemmy.world
      19 months ago

      Former Fairfax County Commissioner Gerry Connolly? The man who never met a defense contractor he could say no to?