Hi, so, not really sure what rules if any @NoxiousPluK@lemmy.blahaj.zone has in mind for this community. But just delete this thread if it’s against them, no worries.

With that out of the way, I thought it might be fun for us all to share a bit about our current project(s), along with anywhere people can find devlogs or demos or whatever else.

Sounds like a typical self-promo thread? Maybe. And maybe that’s not allowed. But I have no horse in this race, my only “game” is currently a very janky prototype and my devlog channel exists only in my mind.

I can’t get enough of other people’s devlogs and love to discover new interesting sounding projects, so here we are lol.

Wotcha making?

    • @TeaHands@lemmy.worldOPM
      211 months ago

      Yeah I used to work in web dev and just had no energy for personal projects on top of that, completely understandable. Maybe the answer is to keep to a game small enough that you could actually complete it in 1-2 months.

        • @TeaHands@lemmy.worldOPM
          311 months ago

          See I would play just about anything other than a typical FPS, so that probably helps because I can get quite into the idea of building all sorts of things no matter how small scale (see our other thread about “dream games”). But yeah that sounds like quite an annoyance.

          Still, if you’re enjoying yourself and learning new stuff that’s a win. Completing hobby projects is overrated anyway!