The congresswoman quipped that in attempting to avert a shutdown Republicans were “run[ning] around the House like a Roomba, until they found a door that House Democrats opened”

    409 months ago

    The problem is that McCarthy has already screwed Democrats over, big time. Biden made that deal with McCarthy, and then Matt Gaetz yanked the leash and Kevin came to heel, like a well trained dog.

    If I were Biden, I would not trust any deal that Kevin makes. So why should Democrats bolster his position as Speaker, while they know Matt wil always hold his leash?

    • Lotus Eater
      39 months ago

      Unfortunately it sounds like he’s trusting exactly Kevin McCarthy 💀

      President Joe Biden on Sunday urged House Republicans – particularly Speaker Kevin McCarthy – to keep their word on government funding and aid to Ukraine after he signed a bill that narrowly avoided a shutdown.

        39 months ago

        The President has to say they will work with whoever is in Congressional leadership, because he can’t introduce legislation on his own, he only approves what Congress sends him. So of course he has to state that publicly.

        In fact, I’d argue that his very public “urging” of Kevin to stick to his word was done because he has zero confidence that Kevin will, and wants to make sure if there is a protracted leadership struggle people see it as Republican infighting, and not some sort of Denocratic scheme. If he trusted Kevin, he wouldn’t have had to say that.

        Nobody trusts Kevin.