The congresswoman quipped that in attempting to avert a shutdown Republicans were “run[ning] around the House like a Roomba, until they found a door that House Democrats opened”

    1319 months ago

    I can’t believe no one has enough dirt on Matt Gaetz (and MTG and the rest) to keep them in line. If nothing else, threaten to keep putting junior high schools within 500 ft of Gaetz’s house so he has to move every 3 months. You don’t whip votes with policy arguments.

      709 months ago

      They HAD dirt. Then it was exposed - and nothing came of it. Now they think they are invincible, even if people have dirt.

      429 months ago

      I suspect that to rub elbows with the upper echelons of republican leadership, you have to give up some juicy dirt they can use to control or get rid of you. I mean that’s the only explanation of Madison Cawthorne. That guy was awful but once he let slip about orgies and shit he was gone quicker than you could say news cycle.

      I think the problem is Matt is threatening scorched earth and they believe him. Use any dirt to keep him in line and he’ll spill all the beans and bring down the whole party. Because everyone knows these trumpets don’t give two shits about the republican party.

        • Raging LibTarg
          189 months ago

          This is so true I didn’t even realize how fucking upside down the whole thing is until reading your comment. It didn’t even occur to me the idea of her resignation over Beetlegate because the idea of her doing so is just outside the realm of reality. It’s just “oh sorry, I let my morals lapse there for a bit, my bad!” and no one bats an eye.

          This is fucking crazy! This is from the party of “gotta protect the kids”, just groping and fondling at a family event!

          What the fuck.

      179 months ago

      They’re all like the Teflon Don. It doesn’t matter how dirty you get em, it slides right off, into their supporters mouths. They swallow that filth, smile and come back for more.

    • Lotus Eater
      49 months ago

      Imo, the threat of leaking dirt is coming from outside the country.

      Not that their reputation can go any lower, but I would imagine it would have to be criminal.