A video explaining modern monetary theory and how with a little Marxism it can benefit everyone.

  • @TheBlue22
    19 months ago

    I have opened with insults, as JT is a tankie who directly with his videos supports ruzzia. I have not misrepresented JT, all of his points which I have argued against are plainly stated.

    The only reason JT is unhappy about the invasion is because ruzzia is losing. He does not care a single bit about the people in ukraine, if he did, he would not be lying about the invasion and reasons for it.

    • @unfreeradical@lemmy.world
      19 months ago

      I have not misrepresented JT

      You did.

      You keep doing it, too.

      You are just too proud to notice, too cocky to stop long enough to reflect.

      • @TheBlue22
        19 months ago

        Give me a single example of me misrepresenting his arguments.

        • @unfreeradical@lemmy.world
          9 months ago

          Attempts were made to explain how you misrepresented the position, but you have been unable to respond except by asserting further misrepresentations and hurling additional insults.

          You need to stop arguing and to start reflecting.

          • @TheBlue22
            9 months ago

            So you couldn’t find any.

            Perhaps you could try to figure out the differences between arguments someone makes and the conclusions someone arrives at, seeing those arguments.

            Did JT directly say he supports the war? Of course not! That would be character suicide

            Does he imply very heavily the way he argues and who he blames for the war? Absolutely.

            You know I am so sure we agree on many things, especially concerning economics and socialism, but if you can’t see how JT has fallen off dramatically, I have nothing to say to you

            • @unfreeradical@lemmy.world
              29 months ago

              Wars have many causes.

              Some are personal. Some are systemic.

              Some are immediate. Some are long term.

              Putin obviously started the war.

              The war also has other causes, obviously.

              No thoughtful person tries to collapse the entire situation into a few terse generalizations.

              Again, someone is not completely wrong because of having ideas not identical to yours.

              Your understanding of others is not as accurate and robust as you believe.

              • @TheBlue22
                19 months ago

                I agree, wars have many causes.

                This war, all of those causes are Ruzzian.

                Not only has JT not once blamed ruzzia for the war, he has only misrepresented facts and directly lied about the causes.

                This is not about you or me, I assume we both are intelligent enough to understand the underlying causes of the war.

                  • @TheBlue22
                    19 months ago

                    He never said anything about ruzzia, thats the problem. On his video about the war, all he does is blame the west for causing it