I’ve been backing up to a dedicated hard disk within the same server for all my backups in case my disks fail. And as I run more and more services, the concern of disks failures grow bigger.
I’m looking for a cheapish off-site backup solution and I’m just curious what everyone does for their 3-2-1 backup solutions.
How are your speeds? I tried one but as I’m in the US it was very slow, around 20 Mbps upload. With Wasabi S3 I get around 800 Mbps.
I wasn’t sure if it was the distance/latency, or if the boxes were just throttled a lot due to the low price.
No idea, really. I use SCP and incremental backups, so speed is not quite an issue for me. The initial load I just started and didn’t care how long it took. I am in Germany, as are my server and the storage box.