Various nuggets of interest in this survey of Gen Z and millennials

      159 months ago

      There are a ton of fundamentalist Christian women who hustle on social media constantly. Their husbands don’t want them to have a “real” job because that might undermine him, but they sure as shit want their wives earning money. Selling classes on how to be a homemaker, ebooks, clothes, doing sponsorships, whatever they can get, these women are doing, because their husbands don’t actually make enough to support a family. They just act like that doesn’t count as a job, so they’re still totally traditional and biblical or whatever.

      9 months ago

      If they’re in the work force some Chad might steal her from me!! Never can she leave the house.

      9 months ago

      These guys are always upset about women not working. Or upset that women working means they want a partner in life instead of relying on men for food and shelter.

      Or they’re upset at the possibility of women needing alimony after spending their entire marriage not working while catering to their man’s every need

      Or upset that they have to pay child support to the person with primary custody of said children (and probably doesn’t have great career prospects after being a housewife).

      They live in some delusional fantasy land where women live to serve men, but aren’t at all concerned with their own well being when their men decide to ditch them.