• @zepheriths@lemmy.world
    739 months ago

    The problem with what happened in 2005 is that the director pressured them into revealing themselves. Although I am confused as to how this was found out in the first place

          • @Klear@lemmy.world
            29 months ago

            No but seriously I am working on the Black Mesa video and general shitposting it’s just taking a while and I wanted to put something out that I already had a lotta notes and footage for in the interim.

            Great source you got there.

            • @TheBlue22
              39 months ago

              Have you actually watched the video? Or only like the first minute of it?

              You would not be saying this bullshit if you actually watched the video, its incredibly well researched. (Fucking hell, the dude says before your quote that he has been researching this for a couple of years)

              • @Klear@lemmy.world
                9 months ago

                Oh the youtuber says he’s researched it? Must be true then. Why would anyone lie on the internet for clicks?

                Look, I’m not saying the information in the video is wrong, I’m saying this source is total crap and I won’t even watch it because it has next to zero information value. A homeless guy might happen to give you correct advice on how to deal with a mortgage or something, but you’d be a fool to come to him to ask.

                • @TheBlue22
                  59 months ago

                  Yeah no fucking shit you didn’t watch it, given the video contains sources for the RESEARCH PAPERS that talk about this topic

                  Stop being so fucking smug about shit you haven’t even watched. I don’t trust the youtuber because he said it, I trust him because he properly sources his stuff and has a history of doing the same in every project he has done. Unlike you who has no sources, is smug while being stupid as hell and dismisses a video based on a joke in its description.

                  • @ezri
                    29 months ago

                    b-but a YouTuber said it so it can’t possibly be credible!!

                • @ezri
                  29 months ago

                  How is that even remotely the same thing? This is the dumbest fucking take coming from someone that didn’t watch the video to see whether there were credible sources provided

                • @ezri
                  19 months ago

                  deleted by creator

    • takeda
      109 months ago

      Although I am confused as to how this was found out in the first place

      The affected people sued the organizion?