First all the bs with Twitter and Elon, then Reddit having an exodus to Lemmy (not complaining lol), then Twitch. Are we like, in an alternate self healing dimension or something?

    311 year ago

    Although there’s a lot of protesting going on over at Reddit right now, I really don’t think it can be compared to twitter. 6 months from now, I doubt things will be all that different at Reddit. A small number of users (relatively speaking when compared to their total number of users) will leave, and that’s probably it.

      151 year ago

      Don’t forget that Reddit has invested almost nothing into good moderation tools, and most medium to large subreddits use third party tools (that use the API) to moderate.

      This means moderating a subreddit will either be extremely difficult (by using the official apps and website), or moderators will literally have to pay reddit to moderate a subreddit. For larger raids or groups of spambots, those costs will quickly add up.

      I think things will be very different on reddit after the change, although still not entirely comparable to twitter.

        31 year ago

        Reddit has announced they are making an API access exception for apps devoted to accessibility. They will have to do the same for moderation tools.

      101 year ago

      idk, if all the 3rd party apps can no longer afford to keep running, they’ll either need to shut down or switch to Lemmy, and those apps have many many users

      honestly would be pretty insane to open up RIF (or whatever 3rd party reddit app you use) and there’s an announcement saying this is a Lemmy app now lol, I wonder how many users that could pull

        1 year ago

        honestly would be pretty insane to open up RIF (or whatever 3rd party reddit app you use) and there’s an announcement saying this is a Lemmy app now lol, I wonder how many users that could pull

        Is that legal? or if not illegal, is that allowed by the play/app store?

        Seems against the rules to just build up a user base for Site A, and then flip a switch behind the scenes to now serve all data from Site B.

        What they can do, is just put a notice to download their new LIF (lemmy is fun) app when you open the RIF app. Kinda like what Tweetbot did. When you opened their app, it talked about getting a refund, or asked if you wanted to transfer your pro subscription to Ivory for Mastodon.