• @BirdyBoogleBop@lemmy.dbzer0.com
    110 months ago

    …Okay ask plainly then. What is the problem you have with my answers?

    Are you a free market absolutist who thinks anything that prevents people trading with whoever they like is wrong? I am going to have to disagree with you if you are.

    Are you mad that it was a ship from the USA enforcing the embargo rather than a Greek one? The USA does the heavy lifting protecting all international trade routes so, in all likelihood it is the USA who is going to enforce sanctions especially when it is in there interest to do so.

    Do you think a Greek company that resides in a country that is also sanctioning Iran should be allowed to facilitate a trade that breaks the law of the country it is based in? The company should be punished for breaking the law of the nation it resides in.

    If this was a Chinese company and they used CNY it would have been wrong for the USA to seize the cargo and fine the company but it wasn’t so that is irrelevant.

      • @BirdyBoogleBop@lemmy.dbzer0.com
        110 months ago

        Why? You need to say why you think that. I think I have said more than enough on why I think what they did is legitimate enforcement of two countries (Greece and USA) laws.

          • @BirdyBoogleBop@lemmy.dbzer0.com
            110 months ago

            Right. Okay i see what you are saying now. So. Do you want the sanctions completely repealed, or relaxed to allow better flow of medicines and food?

            • @TokenBoomer@lemmy.world
              210 months ago

              Thanks for asking a good question. 😉 I’m no expert with human rights and sanctions. I would like to think that they could be relaxed, but that might be difficult. Iran would find loopholes and ways to subvert the regulations. So, I think they need to be removed and let the UN 🇺🇳 take over.