• Echo Dot
    110 months ago

    I must admit I’m not actually keeping that much track of it, because it’s too expensive and it’s not being released in Europe anyway. But haven’t they actually shown off demonstration models. So they do actually have a product right now that they could release.

    Google glass never really struck me as a particularly viable product because it basically wasn’t very good. Then Google kind of gave up on it rather than develop the technology further.

    • SokathHisEyesOpen
      110 months ago

      I happened to meet a Google employee who was wearing a Google Glass back when they were all over the news and he let me demo it. It was actually really neat. There were lots of jokes at the time that it would cause your eyes to go wonky, like The Jerk’s invention in the Steve Martin movie, but they were neat little devices and it’s a shame that Google never did anything with them.