I have been using vim for forever and I have dabbled in using emacs throughout the years. Emacs with the evil mode bindings is very comfortable, and I prefer org-mode over markdown (at least for the type of notes I do).

The main thing that stops me from using emacs though is how bloated it is. I don’t want the games, web browser, email client, etc. Is there a way to remove those features from a standard install or from source?

Edit: I guess I’ll stick with vim for now. It looks like Neovim might be more what I’m looking for instead of Emacs

  • rhabarba
    110 months ago

    Edit: org-mode is fairly large and can take a bit to load the first time.

    If you use native compilation, even org-mode flies.

    • @spauldo@lemmy.ml
      210 months ago

      Assuming you’re on UNIX and have relatively new hardware, sure. On my Haswell-based Xeon setup at home (built in 2014, runs a Debian variant) you get a second or two delay. On my Xeon-based Dell work laptop (bought in 2018, runs Windows with WSL1), it’s about the same. Both use native compilation.

      org-mode is a beast.