If so, was it polled somewhere?

  • @Mr_Buscemi
    1019 months ago

    Sucks for you guys. They caused nothing but trouble when they were still federated with Blahaj.

    After so many of us complained about how they were being dicks and many on the instance weren’t feeling comfortable, hexbear decided to defederate from us first since they somehow said it wasn’t safe for their LGBT members to be on it.

    Funny enough a few days later a new account started posting across different lemmy instances for days about how the Blahaj instance was anti trans and that the admin was too. Our Admin is openly trans :/

    The whole argument started because the user said everything had to be political and wouldn’t stop insulting others who said they didn’t want to have every post on Blahaj to turn political.

    It was just too perfect timing how a few days after hexbear defedarated for somehow saying the pro LGBT instance was anti-LGBT, that we got a brand new account attacking trans members while sayin they were anti-trans.

    Enjoy your new people.

    • @timbuck2themoon@sh.itjust.works
      379 months ago

      It might be time for me to see if the sync scripts for new accounts across instances work.

      Their politics are bad enough but they are so. Fucking. Annoying. Then they cry victim as if they’re misunderstood, etc.

      • @Mr_Buscemi
        9 months ago

        Yeah the Blahaj admin they accused of being anti-trans was trans. They knew this too. The admin has talked to them in the original post that started it all and told the troll they were trans.

        The user 100% did it on purpose to insult the Blahaj admin and to then go across all of Lemmy and post how they were anti trans.

        I also saw that same user tag a Lemmy.world admin to tell them to ban a trans Blahaj user for being a chaser. Then the Blahaj user got banned even though nobody was commenting on a lemmy.world post. If you wanna read that long story then click this link to my other comment here. The 2nd half of my comment there is that long story.


        39 months ago

        Trans people are capable of transphobia because not every trans person in the world knows everything in the world about trans issues.

    • 🐱TheCat
      79 months ago

      seems like we will be defederated again soon judging by the vote in agora

      • @Mr_Buscemi
        19 months ago

        Hey I think you just helped me catch a hexbear alt on that community. I saw them comment how hexbear wasn’t bad last night and then saw them post memes showing hexbear using a hammer on the head of something labeled Sh.itworks complainers and also one of a bunch of hexbear gangbanging a person labeled the same sh.itworks people.

        They were also making dozens of posts a day like how hexbear users do. Then their account got banned today and it’s completely wiped.

        After that happened on Blahaj I have been on the lookout for others.

      39 months ago

      Hey, you’re talking about me! Yes, I was repeatedly misgendered by a user who claimed to be apolitical. Yes, I warned the admins that this user was going to be transphobic and they did nothing. Yes, I believe that trans people are capable of transphobia, because not every trans person knows every single thing in the universe about being trans.