According to a new report from Rentals, In July, the Canadian rental market hit a record high with an average asking rent of $2,078, marking an 8.9 per cent annual increase.

  • jcrm
    610 months ago

    Yes, because landlords as a very base idea should not exist. Sure you’re being a “good” landlord, but the concept itself is having other people pay for the thing you own, while they get nothing of that investment.

      510 months ago

      The idea that landlords shouldn’t exist is one of the most ignorant and thoughtless rage memes going around right now. There are many many many situations where people need to rent rather than purchase, and without landlords there is no renting.

          210 months ago

          Someone has to own the building genius. That person is the landord. The only alternative to having a corporation or individual as the landlord, is having the government or a coop as a landlord. There is a place for those, but sorry I’m not for communism, that can’t be the only option as otherwise we run into the well known problems with communism, no competition leads to shit quality, which is generally what you get from government run housing.

        110 months ago

        The fact is if we seized all the rental property from landlords tomorrow it would only improve the situation in this country.

        Landlords contribute nothing to the economy. They exist only to take money, make a passive income by doing pretty much nothing. Lmao, I guess they have to call a plumber every now and then, or post an ad on Kijiji

      • jcrm
        110 months ago

        Name a single situation that couldn’t be solved in any other system