The shooter, a white man, killed three people after writing messages of hatred for Black people. He killed himself after opening fire in a dollar store.

A white gunman fatally shot three Black people in hate-motivated shooting at a Dollar General retailer in Jacksonville on Saturday afternoon, Sheriff T.K. Waters said.

“This shooting was racially motivated, and he hated Black people,” the sheriff said at a news conference. “He wanted to kill n------.”

  • Franzia
    10 months ago

    “This was, quite frankly, a maniac who decided he wanted to take lives,”

    Copycat shooter with a manifesto, armed with the usual kit: A plate carrier, an AR-15, and a Glock.

    While I can see this is a racially motivated shooting, I think this pattern indicates some deeper… suicidal, martyrdom ideology. The intent includes the suicide. It’s suicidally motivated, too. These plans include the repetitive messaging of a newsfeed marching down the list of mass shootings by scared whitr supremacists. Racial killing, suicide, manifesto, and the date makes it a copycat killing. Is he truly a maniac, if so many are falling into this same set of cowardly cries for help?

    I feel no sympathy for the dead shooter. But I stare into the abyss, feeling I must empathize with the scared white supremacist who does this next.

    Stochastic Terrorism (wiki)

        2010 months ago

        Yeah my best guess here is the possibility of someone being suicidal anyway and deciding to commit a hate crime to go out as some sort of half-assed martyr, or as some idiot that spent too long on the message boards and decided to “defend America” by committing a hate crime. Either way, an idiot that has signed a receipt for “I won’t be missed”

        • OldQWERTYbastard
          710 months ago

          I just hate that he took three innocent lives with him. Fuck that guy. This kind of hate is a blight on our country.

      10 months ago

      I must empathize with the scared white supremacist who does this next.

      Really?! What the fuck?

      Conservatives do not empathize with you. They see empathy as a weakness to exploit. Do not empathize with them unless you’d like to become their next victim.

      • Flying Squid
        910 months ago

        You can empathize with someone without being exploited by them. I empathize with prisoners suffering in solitary confinement because I consider it inhumane. That doesn’t mean I’m going to allow myself to be attacked by a murderous psychopath without defending myself.

        10 months ago

        Empathy is not agreement or defense, it’s understanding. Refusing to empathize is refusing to find a solution. Stop being part of the problem.

          10 months ago

          I would say refusing to empathize is more akin to refusing to try and understand the person and their plight. That in turn can lead to missing potential solutions that work for all or most parties

          Semantics of course

        310 months ago

        The only possible way to try to prevent it is to try and talk them down before hand.

        I mean, aside from the obvious gun legislation that won’t happen

      • Flying Squid
        810 months ago

        But the problem is they don’t stop. And they’re being encouraged to kill.

      • Franzia
        110 months ago

        It’s shameful of me to have missed this detail.