• Doug HollandOP
    310 months ago

    “Much more humane,” says who?

    The article says “proponents of the new method have theorized it would be painless,” but I’m not inclined to take their word for it.

    • @senoro@lemmy.ml
      510 months ago

      It is painless. You can try it out yourself. Your body only detects excess CO2 not lack of oxygen. You will go lightheaded before passing out and eventually dying of oxygen starvation

      • Doug HollandOP
        410 months ago

        Oh, and I can try it out myself? Thanks, mate. :)

        Never heard of death by nitrogen until his morning, but this conversation got me curious enough to read this article, which doesn’t convince me it’s painless.

            When Alabama and two other states authorized nitrogen hypoxia, supporters said it was a more humane method of execution. Others, including the U.S. Supreme Court, have said there isn’t yet sufficient evidence to back up that claim.

            Because no person has ever been executed by inhaling pure nitrogen — there is seemingly no way to humanely test its use — exactly how the state will carry out a nitrogen hypoxia execution is unclear. A deputy state attorney general said the state has developed a protocol for it, but added that it has not been finalized…

        It’s only a quibble, though, for me. I’m opposed to the death penalty, even if they devise a method that causes fatal orgasm.

        • Franzia
          410 months ago

          Oh, this is absolutely nothing new. Without getting into details… this method of administering death has been advocated for by doctors and activists. Done correctly, the victim of this capital punishment may not feel a thing at all. Done poorly, there may be raised heart rate, hyper-ventilation, and involuntary convulsions.

          • Doug HollandOP
            410 months ago

            …this method of administering death has been advocated for by doctors

            You cracked me up with that. :) Sounds like a doctor my wife & I had in Kansas City…