• Spzi
    2011 months ago

    I argue that law should be used against those who react to these burnings in an aggressive manner. Violence is already covered.

    If they stop taking unnecessary offense, I assume the burnings will stop too.

    • synae[he/him]
      711 months ago

      Not necessarily, if I were to burn a Bible and no one cares but they still continue revoking abortion access (and further bigotry) then I will probably keep burning bibles ib protest of the christofascists.

    • Yeah, but it’s making other people aggressive outside of the country. So its not very helpful, you can’t police people in other countries. This whole thing is like pedestrians walking in a crosswalk without looking for cars. Yes, the pedestrian has the right way, and the car should stop. But being right doesn’t really matter if you’re dead.