• @Zeth0s@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    I am Italian. It’s relatively common to see people eating pizza with fork and knife.

    You’d for sure never see a “Giovanni Agnelli” type of person eating pizza with hands. They don’t mix with plebs…

    But also a plebeian like me eats pizza with fork and knife sometimes, it’s pretty normal, nobody judges. Depends on the mood for me.

    But galateo (italian etiquette) prescribes fork and knife https://www.lacucinaitaliana.it/news/cucina/come-mangiare-la-pizza-mani-o-posate/

    • an angrier terrarian
      410 months ago

      Im also italian btw

      i guess it depends on the region you are in. Here in rome ive never seen anyone eat pizza with fork and kinfe