What has everyone got for their dad’s, who are usually particularly hard to buy for?

Also, to add a caveat, totally fine to have a complicated relationship with your dad. If this is the case, please be kind to yourself and ignore this post!

  • Joe
    81 year ago

    I got him a bag of coffee. Unfortunately I then discovered another bag of coffee I got him for the last occasion that I forgot to give him

    So a trip to John Lewis later and he’s got a rice cooker. Luckily my sister isn’t in the city so as long as I see him I win by default

    • @TeaHands@lemmy.world
      61 year ago

      It doesn’t always have to be a competition you know!

      (says the oldest grandchild, whose grandmother has drunkenly confirmed that means she’ll always automatically be the favourite 🕶 )

    • NiOP
      21 year ago

      Hah win by default, well congratulations on thay. Also rice cookers are amazing, we use ours way more than we thought we would.