Image description:

The background is that of the revolving restaurant in the Näsinneula tower in Tampere, Finland. It appears to be an fine dinning establishment. There are tables with white tablecloths and prepared table sets. There is a view of the city out of the curved windows that line the restaurant. Photoshopped on the image is a Blahaj stuffed animal shark with a chef’s hat pasted on top of its head. In front of it is a platter holding three estradiol pills. It appears Blahaj is offering the pills to the viewer.

The text above the image reads, “Blahaj offers a tranfem dessert : Do you accept ?”

  • First Majestic Comet
    2 years ago

    No I won’t because I don’t want Breasts and also I don’t want to take hormones in general. I prefer to stay as I am and not take any form of hormones or medicine, even though I know it’ll probably end badly for me but that’s future Riley’s problem not mine.

    Context: I have a condition that causes me to look young and also androgynous due to affecting my hormones. I was given oral hormones when I was young but stopped taking them very quickly because they made me feel sick and also I did not want to be medically dependent on drugs (also a lot of distrust and drama with my school that I’m not getting into right now). So now even though I’m 27 I still look very similar to how I did when I was 14, very androgynous, though I’ve actually come to like being androgynous as an Agender person, makes me feel good, even though I know it’s bad for me (haven’t had any problems yet though maybe I’ll be fine after all).