Assuming nobody else is at fault

  • @vzq
    10 months ago

    ER patches you up, you get a large bill, you declare bankruptcy, life goes on.

    The question you should ask is, what happens if you have no insurance and you develop a serious chronic illness.

      • @vzq
        2710 months ago

        The point of a bankruptcy is to move on. You start off at zero again, but you can start building up assets again.

        As far as the health issues go, because of the bankruptcy and the ACA you probably qualify for medical care under one of the programs.

        Yeah, you get fucked over pretty good. Life goes on because you’re not dead. But everything you had, everything you worked for, is gone. You are left literally with life, not with your life.

        710 months ago

        My parents went bankrupt like 4 times and it never seemed to make any difference to them. They’d just move on with life and have new credit debt racked up within a few months.