Content warnings: Sexual Violence, Sexual Coercion, Child Sexual Assault, Rape Apologia, Pedophilia

A very good essay from an anarcha-feminist on the problems of misogyny and pedophile apologia in anarchist movements

  • 𝓹𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓬𝓮𝓼𝓼OP
    1 year ago

    Hey thanks for sharing your thoughts. Glad this was a helpful piece.

    I was distantly aware these things were problems in our communities, but hadn’t delved into any collated writings about it. So this was definitely an eye opener for me.

    I’ve recently migrated to Lemmy, and figured I’d look for any communities in solidarity where I could share this, but all the other anarchist spaces were … lacking. Hopefully we can grow this little corner of the fediverse.

    To drag myself a little, this is the first real piece of anarcha-feminist work I’ve read, so I don’t have many recommendations for other good queer / feminist anarchist lit. Yet. After reading this, some of the other posts on the blog, and their Intro To Anarcha-Feminism, I’m definitely on the lookout, and will be sharing anything I find 💖

    none of us are immune to propaganda, and that unplugging oneself from ideas that legitimize the status quo of hierarchy is an active, life-long process

    yes! We exist in societal structures that are tailored to perpetuate and replicate themselves, and part of that is ongoing enculturation and normalization of those structures. We can work to escape them, but like, the container shapes the water (but the water remains not the container).