What are your left wing manga/anime recommendations? I only got Ninpu Kamui Gaiden, because it is communist and ninjaic? You may shrug you shoulders, but a communist created all the ninja cliches, like a dude named Sasuke and the “Izuna Drop”! Unfortunately, the manga is from 1969, when the United States still had not erased all left-wing presence in Japan.

  • @buckykat
    111 months ago

    Main girl Rae of course.

    The politics seem to start around chapter 16 and while I don’t love the “rioting commoners were part of a shadowy plot” beat, the overall structure of how the magic system affects the material conditions is interesting.

    • milistanaccount09 [she/her, any]
      211 months ago

      Oh lol I see I had misunderstood what you had said. I think it felt more like the shadowy plot taking advantage of public anger to me which is why I felt like it works, since the agency is still with the populace at large. I’m glad you think it’s interesting though!

      • @buckykat
        211 months ago

        It’s a somewhat common trope to have a particular character behind a riot, because it gives the main character someone to face off against and talk to, but I think it misrepresents how riots actually form and function, and tends to resemble right wing “outside agitator” narratives.

        • milistanaccount09 [she/her, any]
          211 months ago

          Yeah no that’s completely fair, it’s been like a year since I’ve read the story so I could totally be off-kilter, I think your issues are pretty valid