The DM was a DM asking us to change our no tankies policy and remove the fuck tankies banner as it was apparently upsetting hexbear users. Apparently tankies view the word tankie as a form of slur. The admin wants us to ally as a form of “left solidarity”

      • VinceUnderReview
        711 months ago

        Weird because the comment you just replied to says literally nothing about that and is talking about the word tankies, but feel better about yourself then, shouldn’t be hard with low reading comprehension and a big vocabulary. And just to be clear, I never even graduated high school but I still have better reading comprehension then you, but I write like dogshit.

    • ThereRisesARedStar [she/her, they/them]
      4111 months ago

      It is pretty chauvinist to say you know better than basically all non-white socialists on how to do socialism without any successful socialist projects under your movement’s belt, if you are part of a movement.