hi friends! :)

mod refugee from Brisbane here :)

can i get some “fuck spez” in chat

  • @ageingrockstar@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Ok, I’ve just discovered that the admin of this Fediverse instance (Aussie Zone) is an immature tyrant and an absolutely terrible moderator. So this is where my participation here ends, and I will have to find a better refuge than this one.

    If you want to see why I came to the above conclusion, you can review my participation in an Australia thread here :


    I’m fine with ppl who disagree with the viewpoint I was expressing in that thread, but this instance obviously isn’t a place that allows any semblance of free speech.

    (Note: I had to sign up to another instance to post this here, as the admin has banned my account in this instance. And with them being such a tyrant, this comment will probably be quickly disappeared too, if they have the power to do that. Just wanted to warn others for however long it gets to remain here.)

    • Zagorath
      71 year ago

      Dude you were an obvious troll. You got banned because you were being an obvious troll, got called out for it, and made it clear you were going to continue trolling.

      • @ageingrockstar@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        I saw your other comment calling me a troll Zagorath and was disappointed. I’m quite clearly not trolling in that thread, I am expressing my viewpiont (and one that is shared by the majority of the world, as I directly addressed in that comment).

        I’ve been aware of some of your, as I see it, immature political takes for some time on reddit. That’s fine and in other contexts I’ve enjoyed interacting with you (we even did a bit of that here today under a submission of yours). Everyone can have their own views and their right to have those political views should be respected. But calling people whose views you don’t agree with ‘trolls’ is highly immature. And banning them (or calling for them to be banned) for those views is much worse. Again, I was expressing my viewpoint in that thread, not trolling, and it is quite clear that I genuinely hold that viewpoint, as any review of my comment history on reddit will show.

        • Zagorath
          41 year ago

          Pretending a country waging a war of aggression on another sovereign country is the good guy is troll behaviour.

          Pretending a country threatening the security of another sovereign country through aggressive posturing and illegally sending jets into their airspace without permission is doing nothing wrong (to say nothing of the ridiculous maritime claims that infringe on the EEZs of no fewer than 6 other countries) is troll behaviour.

          Making claims that “the majority of the world” believes your ridiculous claims is trolling. I’ll just go ask my Taiwanese and Vietnamese friends what they think, shall I?

        • @UncouthButNot@aussie.zone
          31 year ago

          Unironically claiming that because other countries state that Russia is in the right for their offensive war in Ukraine without critically assessing those supporting countries political manoeuvres is trolling

        • Lodion 🇦🇺M
          1 year ago

          The wording you used was trolling. If you were genuine in trying to change minds, you’d use less inflamatory language.

          Bye again.