The company will roll out tactics to mitigate password sharing in 2024. While Iger said Disney should see some effects from the rollout in 2024, the initiatives to prevent password sharing won’t be completed next year.

        911 months ago

        Sadly you and I are in the minority, if I remember rightly account numbers actually went up with the crackdown.

      • CIWS-30
        411 months ago

        Nice! Monkey D Luffy could learn a thing or three from you.

    • aard
      1111 months ago

      We cancelled Netflix about a year ago for good - which made me setup stuff like Sonarr. Without Netflix being dicks I wouldn’t have proper pirating infrastructure…

      While I still pay for Disney+ we’re also throwing everything we care about into sonarr - so if they do something stupid I’ll just cancel and still have everything I want.