Everyone goes to the holodeck to fuck, and apparently they make the lower deckers clean out the biofilters?

Why?? Just dematerialize it on the spot and send it back to the sterilized organic particulate suspension tanks! (TNG Technical Manual p. 91, the tech manuals are cannon deal with it nerds 😎)

  • Vordus
    2 years ago

    (please ignore season one of Disco, where characters just tell the computer to beam them somewhere on the ship, and it does so instantly without issue)

    Now, to be fair, S1 Disco was a state of the art prototype captained by a man who, let us just say, wasn’t exactly the type to follow safety regulations. A lot of shit went on on that ship that could absolutely have gotten everyone killed at some point, so what’s one more lax approach to the crew’s wellbeing.

    Where’s Space OSHA when you need it?