You’ve seen the famous aliens, planets and scientists, but now it’s time to venture even farther into the depths of space.

  • @audiomodder
    711 months ago

    13th Floor and Equilibrium are both also very good.

    13th Floor came out about the same time as The Matrix and had a similar feel, but was still very good.

    Equilibrium had some of the best gun fighting sequences I’ve ever seen.

    • NotTheOnlyGamer
      411 months ago

      Two of my favorite movies - and I’d add eXistenZ to the list, along with 13th Floor and Matrix.

    • mPony
      211 months ago

      I heard Equilibrium was stifled by people who opposed the anti-religious nature of the movie. The more I think about it the more it makes sense. It could have been a much bigger deal at the time. (Same goes for The Golden Compass.)